Posted in Prārambha

Varṇadā Introduction

The word varṇa is derived from vṛ meaning to cover, screen, conceal, surround or obstruct and refers to all that people attach to themselves due to family, profession or club. It includes colors, symbols, implements and everything that shapes the outward appearance, figure, shape. It can refer to a class of men, tribe, order or caste. Although in modern context it has come to mean the same as jāti (caste in India) but in reality it is different even though the nomenclature used is broadly the same – brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya and śūdra. In Kaliñga (South Orissa) as recent as 1700, varṇa was based on abilities and purely professional allowing for inter-varṇa movement although marriage was strictly based on jāti which is related to jñāti meaning relatives. Additional meanings of the word varṇa include (a) a letter, sound, vowel, syllable, word playing multiple role in mantra śāstra and (b) a religious observance.

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